Here's the deal. We all find ourselves stumped from time to time. How can I be a "Gifted Intuitive" and still be flummoxed when looking at my own damn cards? so overwhelmingly confident about my insights and then be so totally wrong?
Here's the Answer: because reading your own cards is way more difficult than reading for someone else! It's just the truth.
But there are some keys to unlocking your own readings that really clear the path to clarity!
This Zoom Meeting Class is happens in 2 Sessions.
The first on is on Saturday, 3/7 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern with the second session happening the following Saturday, 3/14 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern. The sliding scale cost for both sessions of this gathering is $44-$55.
PM me if you have any questions or to register for this class!
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